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Writer's pictureAgapios

Moon at First Quarter

The Moon will pass first quarter phase, appearing prominent in the evening sky and setting in the middle of the night.

From Nicosia , it will become visible around 18:32 (EEST), 28° above your southern horizon, as dusk fades to darkness. It will then reach its highest point in the sky at 18:44, 29° above your southern horizon. It will continue to be observable until around 22:36, when it sinks below 8° above your south-western horizon.

At this time in its monthly cycle of phases, it appears almost exactly half illuminated.

The Moon orbits the Earth once every four weeks, causing its phases to cycle through new moon, first quarter, full moon, last quarter, and back to new moon once every 29.5 days.

As it progresses through this cycle, it is visible at different times of day. At first quarter, it appears high in the sky at sunset before sinking towards the horizon and setting in the middle of the night. More information about the Moon's phases is available here.

Observing the Moon at first quarter

Over coming days, the Moon will set later each day, becoming visible for more of the night. Within a few days, it will not make it very far above the eastern horizon before nightfall. By the time it reaches full phase, it will be visible for much of the night, rising at around dusk and setting at around dawn.

Its daily progress is charted below, with all times are given in Nicosia local time.

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