Our Remote Observatory is up and running and the first images are out-of-this-world!
S.P.I.C.A. is our newly completed remote observatory, located in a discreet valley southwest of the Troodos summit, near the village of Prodromos. The observatory is situated at 1412m above sea level under clear and dark skies, one of the most pristine locations in Cyprus!
The first images from the hosted astrophotography telescopes are in and they are spectacular!
Currently the observatory houses 4 telescopes, all remotely accessible via the internet, used for Science, Outreach and Astrophotography.
Telescope 1 (T1): RC 250mm on a CGX-L mount. Our very own telescope, used for outreach and astrophotography via member subscription.
Telescope 2 (AUTH3): RASA 11" on a 10Micron AZ1000 mount. A Research Telescope from the Aristotle University of Thesalloniki, used for Satellite Tracking, Exoplanet transits and NEO's
Telescope 3 (DUKE): A Skywatcher ESPRIT 150ED on a Ioptron CEM70 mount. Private Astrophotography Telescope owned by John Doukakis
Telescope 4 (ViVi): A Carbon-Truss 10" Newtonian on a AZEQ6 mount. Private Astrophotography Telescope owned by Vilen Sharifov and Vitalii Lomachenkoff
All the equipment is remotely accessible and operated via the Internet. There is a scientific-grade weather sensor installed which measures valuable weather parameters as well as the Sky Quality. If conditions are suitable, the observatory opens it's roof automatically and the telescopes begin their observation tasks.
Security camera provides 24/7 surveilance and amazing views of the telescopes too!
A 180-degree All-Sky camera is used for broadcasting spectacular live views of the sky 24/7. This camera is also used to live-stream meteor showers and other celestial events to the wider audience.
Sign up, choose your target & get access to all the imaging data acquired by the T1. This telescope follows a diverse and rich imaging plan every clear night, covering highlight targets. Your target selection will be accomodated asap and added to the database.
RC 250 10" f/8 (f/5.3 reduced)
Celestron CGX-L guided
Astrophysics 0.67x reducer
Imaging resolution 0.71"/px
Continuously upgraded & optimised to ensure peak performance
€19,00 per month
Access to all FITS files via Drive